
(Click here to see links to TV and radio performances with Ann and Linda Ronstadt)
Another Heart
-Americana Highway
“Sometimes an album arrives somewhat out of left field , and is so absolutely stunning that nothing else seems important for a day or two. That is Ann Savoy’s new release ANOTHER HEART. It is such a stellar selection ff songs, some by Ann Savoy along with others by Ray Davies, Bruce Springsteen, Richard Thompson, Joni. Mitchell, Sandy Denny and others, it is completely impossible to resist."
Adieu False Heart
by: Elysa
Linda Ronstadt and Ann Savoy, Adieu False Heart
Pop chameleon Ronstadt and Cajun star Savoy possess two of the purest, sweetest, most satisfying voices in contemporary music. Blended together, they're the equivalent of farm-fresh butter in a market full of processed imitation spreads, and this rootsy collection offers plenty of warm, nourishing showcases for their individual and combined gifts.
People Magazine
Over the years, Linda Ronstadt has teamed up with collaborators across the musical spectrum from Aaron Neville to Emmy Lou Harris. None of her collaborations has been more original, focused or melodious than this pairing with Cajun singer Ann Savoy. With the two swapping lead vocals and harmonizing on traditional romantic tunes that are intelligent and idiosyncratic, there's nary a false note. (four stars)
Readers Digest
"5 things we don't want you to miss"
Adieu False Heart..a haunting collection.
Ann Savoy and her Sleepless Knights
T Bone Burnett
Ann Savoy is a trusted keeper of the flame- the kind of girl Duke Ellington had in mind when he wrote Sophisticated Lady. She doesn't imitate the past, she animates it- she makes dead men walk along a crooked line from the paddocks of Virginia to the swamps of Louisiana. She is a blues singer. In French.
Best known for her compelling mastery of Cajun music as a member of both the Savoy Family Band and the Savoy Doucet Band, as well as an incredible duet album with Linda Ronstadt, 2006's Grammy nominated Adieu False Heart (on which the two were billed as the Zozo Sisters), and not least of all as part of the all-woman band The Magnolia Sisters, Savoy can clearly do pretty much whatever she wants musically and have it turn out vital and memorable. She does the songs on Black Coffee proud, her versions standing toe-to-toe with many of the original treatments. How great would it be for this music—and for us--if she hung around these parts for awhile?
Lava Magazine
Ann Savoy has become a musical force of nature...and the heart Savoy brings to a landmark song like "My Funny Valentine" hits right where the lifeblood of true love pumps to prove this a set that transcends time and its reference places to achieve cherished stature for anyone who enjoys old school made anew.
Sound Waves Magazine
If you think that class and sophistication is missing from much of today's popular music, take a listen to Ann Savoy...In an open flat, boring musical landscape, the style and grace of Ann Savoy subtlety embraces you and takes you on a musical journey that, in much lesser hands, is far lacking these days.OffbeatHear how good restraint can sound when accompanied by confidence. Throughout the album, Savoy never overdoes it, blessed with that Cajun familiarity of music's role in life—for dancing, for laments, for humor. She recreates Django Reinhardt, Blue Lu Barker and Johnny Mercer with musicians who conjure up clouds and past lovers, a sensitive stroll through the canon, willing to smell the flowers.
Village Records one of the most celebrated musicians in Louisiana. One listen and you'll be under her spell just like the rest of us.
"Joe Sixpack's Hillbilly Record Riot"
Ann Savoy is steadily shoring up her bona fides as one of the finer, most confident vocalists in the roots music oeuvre. On this elegant outing, she sings swing with a lighthearted authority, her command of jazz timing and old-school pop sensibility coming through loud and clear... Savoy makes all that old jazz sound new and fresh, a joyful expression of her own inner muse, and not just another retro-torch run-through.
Studio City Sun
With a swinging band, she shows how much flair she brings to everything she touches.
Savoy's unassuming but sympathetic approach to the material ignores vocal theatrics in favor of relaxed renditions that radiate sensuality instead of spotlighting it, resulting in a slow-burning torch sound.